Measuring approximately 30w x 22d x 13h, the live studio room is a moderately dampened recording environment that lends itself to soloists, small combos, and ensemble tracking sessions.
Available equipment includes:
Guitar Amps: Fender Twin Reverb (2), Blackstar, Crate CR60, Fender Acoustisonic, Fender Bassman 40.
Keyboards: Korg T1, Korg X3, Korg CX3, Hammond T212, Arp Pro Soloist, M-Audio controller, Korg RK-100
Drums/Percussion: CB700 6-pc 150th Anniversary, Ludwig 5-pc, GP 4-pc, Assorted Zildjian & Paiste Cymbals, Alesis 6-pc electronic set, Roland 5-pc TD kit, Roland R-8 Human Rhythm Composer, Latin Percussion Congas/Bongos, Timpani (2), Dombek, Large array of percussion and rolling trap table.